Friday, 10 July 2015

We give love during Ramadan... Please GIVE LOVE

Ramadan is a time of sharing love and putting aside our differences and uniting together. What if the only person you had to rely on was yourself as a vulnerable infant without care and affection?
Millions of children in third world countries have suffered catastrophic family breakdown, such that these children – true Orphans – fend for themselves without love of a family and a champion for their lives. These children, the Ones at the very end of humanity’s line, have disappeared from our world’s “helping” agenda.

MGR has 100s of orphan children around the world waiting for you to help them – WILL YOU SPONSOR AN ORPHAN THIS RAMADAN FOR A WHOLE YEAR?
We focus on MyOrphan's Home-Based Care - where children that have been orphaned are taken in by a caring and loving extended family, who are provided with the resources to look after the child's/children's needs and education. MGR strongly believes that children belong and thrive in a family-environment. All our projects seek to provide orphans with loving family-style care.
During the orphan sponsorship, MGR looks after a child’s educational needs throughout the term – we pay for his/her school fees, transportation to and from school, educational literature, a school uniform and also provide financial support to the family, where possible.
How YOU can help:

The cost of sponsoring an orphan child is either £30.00 per month or£360.00 annually

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