Saturday, 18 July 2015

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak from us all at MGR.

We hope you all enjoy the celebrations over the weekend.

Thank you for your support through the blessed month of Ramadan. With your generous support we have distributed hot Iftar meals, food packs, water, and Eid gifts.

Ramadan Food Packs in Gaza

Iftar Meals in Gaza

Ramadan Iftar in Lebanon

Ramadan Food packs in Ghana

Ramadan Food packs in The Gambia

Ramadan Iftar in India

Eid Food Gifts in India

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The final week of Ramadan...

The final week of Ramadan is here – with children excited about Eid Ul Fitr, the celebration where people exchanged gifts. Yet for refugees or those living in poverty, it does not seem like a day for celebration. It is just another day, with the daily struggles and hardships. 

And they also ask you about what they should spend. Say: ‘(spend) whatever is surplus to your needs’. (Quran 2:219)

Will you choose to help?

Give gifts

MGR Eid Gifts project is specifically designed for poor and vulnerable children so that they too can have a happy and blessed Eid. No one should have to celebrate Eid without gifts, especially not children.

Zakat ul Fitr

Donate just £3 to provide a child with a gift. It must be paid before Eid prayer so that the poor can enjoy the pleasure of Eid.


For those who are unable to fast throughout the month of Ramadan – for each missed fast please donate £6 to feed a poor person twice a day.

Please do not delay and send us your Zakat, Sadaqah, Lillah and Fitra donations today.


Donate via our website or by calling 01282 604055

Friday, 10 July 2015

We give love during Ramadan... Please GIVE LOVE

Ramadan is a time of sharing love and putting aside our differences and uniting together. What if the only person you had to rely on was yourself as a vulnerable infant without care and affection?
Millions of children in third world countries have suffered catastrophic family breakdown, such that these children – true Orphans – fend for themselves without love of a family and a champion for their lives. These children, the Ones at the very end of humanity’s line, have disappeared from our world’s “helping” agenda.

MGR has 100s of orphan children around the world waiting for you to help them – WILL YOU SPONSOR AN ORPHAN THIS RAMADAN FOR A WHOLE YEAR?
We focus on MyOrphan's Home-Based Care - where children that have been orphaned are taken in by a caring and loving extended family, who are provided with the resources to look after the child's/children's needs and education. MGR strongly believes that children belong and thrive in a family-environment. All our projects seek to provide orphans with loving family-style care.
During the orphan sponsorship, MGR looks after a child’s educational needs throughout the term – we pay for his/her school fees, transportation to and from school, educational literature, a school uniform and also provide financial support to the family, where possible.
How YOU can help:

The cost of sponsoring an orphan child is either £30.00 per month or£360.00 annually

Friday, 3 July 2015

We give up water during Ramadan... Please GIVE WATER

During Ramadan we abstain from drinking (subject to medical constraints) to better focus our lives on prayer and meditation, but imagine not having safe water to drink all the time. 

Diseases from drinking unsafe water and lack of basic sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Cholera can kill within a day. Children are especially vulnerable, as their bodies aren’t strong enough to fight diarrhoea, dysentery and other illnesses. 

MGR’s Water4life Project brings relief to communities around the world who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. The WHO reports that over 3.6% of the global disease burden can be prevented simply by improving water supply, sanitation, and hygiene. 

Providing access to clean, safe water helps capable and determined people realise the hope they have for their own futures.

We’re passionate about unlocking potential. After all, water doesn’t change anything; the people we help with your kind donation do.

For a small investment, you can fund long-lasting water projects that serve villages, mosques and schools.

Wells and handpumps can provide a reliable source of drinking water allowing communities to become more able to grow themselves out of poverty. You can help restore hope.

We located, drilled and commissioned 6 water wells & 83 hand pumps throughout South Asia, Ghana and in Gambia. We purchased and distributed 5,000 - 2.5lt bottles of drinking water; and provided 250,000 litres of clean drinking water supplied by road tankers for the people in the Gaza Strip.

• 440 million school days lost every year to water-related sickness. 
• Nearly 1 in 5 deaths under the age of five that occur due to dirty water. 
• 840,000 people die each year due to water related diseases
• Every $ invested has a return of between $3 and $34!

How You Can Help:
• ONLY £1.50 for each 2L Bottle of Water to a poor household
• £170.00 for a handpump in an area where water level is high
• £470.00 for a handpump in an area where water level is low - desert type regions
• £630.00 for a community well

Or call us today to give: +44(0)1282 604055
Text WATH10 plus amount to 70070 (£1, £5 or £10)
e.g: To give £5 text WATH10 £5 to 70070