Thursday, 18 June 2015

Salaam to all of you as we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan.

Salaam to all of you as we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan.

2015 marks Muslim Global Relief’s 15th year of helping those less fortunate around the world. As you read this our people are working tirelessly around the world where your valuable donations are still working hard to help those in need.

At MGR, Ramadan presents us the challenge of acquiring your support for our many life-saving projects. This Ramadan we are asking you to help us to continue our projects around the globe. Our emphasis is on the following life changing projects:
• Emergency Relief • My Orphan • Feed Me • Water4life

This Ramadan we would like your help to provide food and water to 100,000 people, through our FeedMe and Water4life projects. We also need to find supporters for hundreds of needy orphans’ still awaiting sponsorship.

You can be a part of this effort! If you are planning on hosting an iftaar this Ramadan for your friends and family, we ask you to consider collecting donations for our It’s Your Call Project. This can be in whatever format you'd like. For example, you can ask for donations instead of having a takeaway which people often do, or have a donation box setup where invitees can make their valuable donations for your chosen project.

As you plan your personal Ramadan iftaars, give your guests the opportunity to donate to your It’s Your Call Project. All you need to do is:
  1. Provide some information to your friends and family about our organization and what we do;
  2. Have a donation box or envelope at the Iftaar where guests can leave a donation in any amount; and
  3. Ask your friends to do the same for their Iftaars!
MGR is a charity you can trust who has the experience in the field to make your valuable donations count.

Thank you for your generous support and Ramadan Mubarak.

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