Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Update Swat Valley 2nd June 2009

MGR has been working in Pakistan since 2000, our teams have responded to all major emergencies in Pakistan; from the 2002 Rawalpindi floods, 2003 Chakmisran tornado, 2004 Sindh floods, 2005 Kashmir earthquake to the Baluchistan crisis in 2007 to name a few - but the situation is deteriorating rapidly as the number of displaced people is estimated at 2.4 million.

Due to the number of people some camps are cramped and conditions are unhygienic where diseases are easily spread. In some places there are up to 500 people sharing just two toilets, many women and girls have not washed since they fled their homes because washing facilities in some camps are not adequate and in close proximity to male washing facilities.

Your donations are urgently needed please visit our website on www.muslimglobalrelif.com

1 comment:

Administrator said...

This is an excellent template and blog if I say so myself.

But because you have linked to all your stuff e.g. your facebook group, flikr etc I don't think you need to list them with links on documents e.g. the booklet "Loving the prophet".

So my advice to you is next time just write the blog address and link to the youtube, flikr and stuff from here.