Tuesday, 22 March 2016

World Water Day

Today is World Water Day and here's how you can get involved!

MGR runs the Water4Life Project in five countries across two continents. With your help we improve the health and life quality of families by providing them with a life source, and one of our most basic of needs. The solutions are simple, and they cost us next to nothing compared to everything these people stand to lose.

Start your Fundraising campaign today... 

Give a shallow bore hand pump from £170
Give a deep bore hand pump from £470
Give a water well in Ghana from £3,500
Give a water well in Gambia from £4,000
Give a water well in India & Pakistan from £630
Give water in Gaza with monthly water tanker distribution from £980 annually

Get your friends involved! 

If you and 9 friends gave £30 per month we could build a water well in Ghana or Gambia! Such a well can provide safe water for up to 2,000 people, depending on the region.

In Gaza, MGR distributes clean water via tankers to 100 families with safe water on a monthly basis. Water distribution costs a mere £980 for the entire year. That’s you and 5 friends giving less that £10 a month to change lives!

In India and Pakistan, MGR installs hand pumps where between 10 to 35 families can benefit form a single hand pump, depending on the region. If you and 5 of your friends gave £8 a month for a year, we could build a deep bore hand pump for a destitute community in India or Pakistan.

Or maybe you want to start a fundraising activity such as a run, a coffee morning or car wash... read some idea's here and we always welcome more! 

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Start your own FUNdraising campaign? You'll help thousands and have a great time too!

Feel passionate about an issue, but not sure how to help? Why not start your own fundraising campaign? It’s easier than it sounds!

Creating positive impact with the simplest solutions. It doesn’t cost us much to provide a vulnerable person or poor community with opportunities for a better future. In fact, it costs us next to nothing compared to everything these people stand to lose.

Step 1: Pick A Project
MGR has many projects you can fundraise for. Here are a few, and some idea of how much they cost.

Step 2: Fundraise
This feels like the hard part, but actually it’s easier than you think. There are many ways to fundraise, and we’ve got a couple of Fundraising Ideas that could give you a head start. 

Step 3: You've done it!

You've helped us change the lives of thousands of people.