Friday, 5 November 2010
MGR Qurbani 2010
Click the markers on the map to view which countries we will be distributing Qurbani in 2010.
“There is nothing dearer to Allah (swt) during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgement with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah (swt) before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart”
(Hadith: Tirmidi, Ibn Majah)
What is Qurbani?
Qurbani, or animal sacrifice, is performed during the month of Dhul Hijjah, during the three days of Eid. It is one of the great sunnah’s of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), and commemorates his unparallel sacrifice when he, in pursuance to command of Allah ta’ala conveyed to him in a dream, prepared to slaughter his beloved son, Prophet Isma’il (AS) and actually did so but, Allah (swt), after testing his submission, sent down a sheep and saved his son from the logical fate of slaughter. It is from that time onwards that the sacrifice of an animal became an obligatory duty to be performed by Muslims.
What types of Qurbani are their?
There are two types of Qurbani:
Wajib – The Qurbani of Eid-Ul-Adha is wajib (compulsory) for all sane, adult Muslims (both men and women) who are eligible to pay zakat.
Nafl – Qurbani can also be performed for Esal-e-Sawaab (to bring reward) for one’s parents, relatives, friends etc. and also for our Beloved Prophet (PBUH).
If somebody out of his/her ignorance and negligence, did not offer ‘Qurbani’ on the three prescribed days (10th, 11th and 12th ‘Zulhijjah’) they should then give the price of the ‘Qurbani’ as ‘sadaqah’ (alms and charity) This does not mean that Sadaqah is an alternative, this will only be the case when it is not offered on the prescribed days, thus there is no alternative to ‘Qurbani’ in the prescribed days.
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (AS) reports that the Apostle of Allah (PBUH) has said : "Whoever has the capacity to sacrifice and does not do so, should not come to the place where the Eid prayer is offered." (Ibn Majah).
Hence we can understand the importance of ‘Qurbani’ from the above ‘Hadith’, therefore each and every Muslim who is obliged should offer it.
Muslim Global Relief (MGR) has been implementing qurbani project on your behalf for 10 years; creating a feeling of solidarity among the beneficiaries on your behalf by providing:
- Fresh meat in particular to old people, disabled and those with very young children
- Creating an a happier environment, particular for children with our Eid Package
Sacrifice on the occasion of Eid-Ul-Adha is performed by MGR on behalf of our donors and is distributed to the most deserving. The cost of a Qurbani for 2010 is given in the table below, please donate your Qurbani as quickly as possible by calling +44 (0) 1282-604055 or select the country of your choice on the map above and then click the donate link.
Global Peace & Unity Event 2010 - Update
It was nice to so many Muslims and Non Muslims attend the event over the two days, MGR staff and volunteers held a warm and inviting stand at the exhibitor’s hall; to talk to as many people as possible about our charity, as well as distributing booklets, T-shirts, stickers etc.
James Caan visited the event as his daughter was exhibiting at the GPU, he visited many stalls for which MGR was one of; had a quick look and gave us a compliment on the design and layout of the stand in comparison to others around.
MGR hopes that we have appealed to as many people as possible some past donors and also met many new people who have not heard of our charity and promoted it very well to them.
It was a weekend of fun and entertainment for many people who turned up with their families and a great opportunity for our donors to meet us in person.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Pakistan Floods - Update October 2010: 7 Million without shelter and winter is approaching ...
A recent report from the BBC World News America depicts a grim assessment of the flood victims, with a complete lack of help in many areas.
Their is severe malnutrion and cases of pneumonia especially to the most vunerable which are young children. Millions are having to sleep in the open air due to lack of shelter. What is even worse is that young children are dying because their is no food and the government has not even bothered to reach out to these people. It's the same old typical scenario whereby in the early stages of the flood disaster the Government of Pakistan showed the world media that it is using the army as well as asking the world to donate aid money and resources to help its own people. When the focus of the the world's moved away from this crisis the Pakistan Government went back to its usual self i.e. forget the victims and let them fen for themselves. Lets be honest here, if it wasn't for the support of world wide charities / NGO's and the generous public then the body count would have risen into the millions.
But we cannot simply sitback and pretend that this tragedy will dissipate and resolve on its own. The current situation is at a point where an even worse tragedy is about to happen if we do not get vital food, medical aid and shelter to those that have not even been reached by any NGO's/Charities.
It will take years to rebuild the devastated areas hit by the floods and bring some kind of normality to these poor people so MGR would like to urge everyone to continue supporting the Pakistan Flood Victims with whatever you can afford to donate. Watch the BBC video and please please please do not abandon these helpless people. You can donate online or download our standing order form or alternatively you can call our donation hotline: +44(0)1282 604055.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
MGR will be at GPU 2010

Muslim Global Relief is pleased to announce that we will have a stand at this year's Global Peace and Unity Event on 23rd & 24th October 2010. We will be located in E14 (download floorplan to find us). Please be sure to visit us and let all your friends and family know.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Last 10 days of Ramadan

We are now in last 10 days of Ramadan - if you have not donated your zakat or your zakat ul fitr please do so now - MGR will use your funds to help the people of Pakistan.
See our homepage for latest information and use the links for youtube and flickr to see visuals. or calls on +44 (0)1282-604055
Monday, 16 August 2010
Google Resource Finder - Pakistan Floods

Google Person Finder - Pakistan Floods
Friday, 13 August 2010
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Please come to their aid by calling our donation hotline now on +44(0)1282 604055 or visit our website at
Spread the word to all your friends and family and lets united to help those in desperate need!
MGR Disaster Team
Monday, 2 August 2010
Pakistan Floods Crisis Appeal - PLEASE DONATE NOW
MGR would like to make an urgent plea to all our present donors as well as those who have never donated to us before that we really need urgent funds to help in providing vital emergency aid such as shelter, food and medication to the victims of the floods in Pakistan. As you may or may not be aware, the death toll has risen to over 1,100+ and hundreds and thousands of the survivors are without shelter. With the president leaving Pakistan for his european trip and having complete disregard for enormity of this disaster we are asking everyone in the western world to help show unity and solidarity with the people of Pakistan especially those who have lost their livelihood as well as family members in this tragic disaster. The flood victims need essential aid and fast as outbreak of diseases are imminent and if we do not provide medical vaccines/aid, food and shelter then the death toll will rise rapidly.
MGR Disaster Team
Friday, 9 April 2010
Message from Mutah Beale - MGR's Ambassador
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
New Orphanage - Gambia

Mutah Beale is a former rapper more commonly known as Napoleon. He was born to Muslim parents, but both of them were murdered when he was three years old, leaving him and his brothers as orphans themselves. MGR is in discussions with the government of Gambia through Mutah Beale to construct an orphanage in the country. The orphanage will be well structured, with organised education and extra curriculum activities in a self contained unit. The children will be welcomed and treated like individuals. Their basic needs will be looked after; i.e. they will be properly fed, properly clothed and given a good quality education.
Their education is particularly important to MGR because on leaving the orphanage they will find better paid employment, in order to support themselves or their siblings. Teaching them languages, basic computer skills etc along with the national curriculum of the country, will dramatically increase their chances of finding work. These children will be taken out of the downward cycle of poverty, by being in the orphanage and they will be protected from being exploited by others.
The MGR Orphanage will fully cater for at least 24 children at any one time, who have lost one or both of their parents, and especially those most vulnerable.
Cost of the MGR Orphanage is £95,000.00 or £25.00 per sqft.
Details of the MGR Orphanage:
A two floor building which consists of the following:
- 4 classrooms, an office, and toilet facilities
- Sleeping areas, kitchen, dining room/living area, prayer room/games room and a caretaker’s area.
The MGR Orphanage will fully cater for at least 24 children at any one time,who have lost one or both of their parents, and especially those mostvulnerable.
The building will be self sufficient and have an outdoor recreation area surrounded by a boundary wall.
For more information on this project email us on or visit our donation page:
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Latest Haiti Update - MGR is on the ground ...
As we entered Haiti from the Dominican Republic border we saw a hustling mini marketplace setup with people buying all sorts of goods from basic food items and drinks to essential clothing; it was impossible to determine where the goods came from or who was purchasing them apart from the poor Haitian locals.
We noticed that the border only opens from 8.00am until 7.00pm on a daily basis; outside this time one has to wait at the border until the army opens it again the following day and queues many many miles long form very quickly. We were told as well, prior to our departure, that a very long queue of traffic had formed at the border crossing and that we could be stuck there for hours before we got a chance to cross into Haiti, but with the skill of our driver we criss-crossed the queue without any problems and managed to get into Haiti with relative ease. On our way towards Port au Prince, we passed many relief organisations carrying containers of goods and a convoy of Canadian Army vehicles carrying with heavy lifting machines.
Inside Haiti, a combination of dirt tracks and tarmac roads enabled us to reach Port Au Prince in approximately 2 hours. The city itself was alive with people selling goods outside their earthquake damaged buildings on the footpaths, in order to keep themselves busy and to earn some income so that they could somehow support themslves and their families. There was an extraordinary amount of destruction in this highly dense city which had been built on mountains; from the top of one mountain all you could see was houses practically on top of each other and no sight of any roads or streets. It immediately became apparent to us why so many people had lost their lives due to this terible and devastating earthquake which had claimed nearly 250,000 people at the time of our visit.
All along the route to our distribution centre we could see the devastation the earthquake had caused with so many buildings reduced to heaps of rubble or flattened in a space of less than a minute. However, to our astonishment there were still many buildings in the city that were not affected by the earthquake. The only conclusion we arrived at was that most had been constructed with sub-standard materials using an incorrect cement-sand mix with not enough reinforcement in it, which is why the walls probably crumbled to devastating effect; we actually saw a car that was crushed by the rubble of the buildings that had fallen on it, but we were amazed to know that it was still being driven around by locals.
Once at our distribution points in the outskirts of the city, we left the comfort of our car and walked outside in the dry dust which nearly choked us. The gut wrenching smell of death still lingered in many areas so we were forced to cover our mouths with hankerchiefs; it was something we will never forget for the rest of our lives.
We managed to distribute the following items to the queues of men, women and children anxiously waiting for the life-saving handouts at our distribution centre:
- Bottles of water
- Milk cartons
- A variety of fruit drinks
- Cooking oil
- Salt
- Rice
- Tinned fish
Each survivor knew that aid is distributed fairly at our distribution centre on a daily basis at approxiately 6.30pm local time so they queued in an orderly and dignified manner until it was their turn to receive the relief items from the MGR team. Many local volunteers also assisted in the loading of vehicles and the distribution of relief items in other areas of the city.
The condition of the survivors was very bad with most still trying to maintain some sort of a simple existence with what they could salvage from the remains of their houses or by selling anything they could lay their hands on, or by actually working with international NGOs. We visited many tent villages where people were living in the temporary shelters and spoke to as many as we could; one lady called Marie feared that that her life would not be back to normal again because she had lost everything including her husband, but had still got to support her four young children. We also saw how the tents being used were made ineffective when it rained heavily on the first night of our visit in the city; the area was inundated with rivers of water when the skies opened with their deluge but the Monsoon season has still to arrive!
We witnessed reconstruction work being undertake by the locals to rebuild what they could before the advent of the Monsoon season, but it was difficult to determine whether they had received any external assistance from the international community swarming around them. It is extremely important that someone regulates the reconstruction effort and especially the earthquake proofing of future structures as occurred in other areas of the world, such as Kashmir.
Whilst in Port au Prince, M Razaque also discussed with members of several international NGOs, aspects of their work for the short-term and long-term development of the country. After one such meeting and on his way back to the distribution point in the late evening, he saw that some of the main roads were blocked with blocks of masonary; this was not due to the earthquake but were placed there by the locals to alert people, and to prevent drivers from entering areas where survivors had set up their tents on the roads.
On one particular morning at the scene of a collapsed house, there was a lot of commotion and people with face masks and surgical gloves on were busy getting ready to take away another corpse retrieved from the rubble, and this was six weeks after the earthquake. MGR will continue to provide short-term relief items such as food, water and shelter and will also help the people in Haiti with educational programs.
We are heavily reliant on our donors not to forget the desperate plight of the people of Haiti and to assist them in their time of immense need.
We urgently need funds for the following:
- Tent for a family £250.00
- Food & Water (1 Week) £100.00
The cost of running each primary school in our Educational Project will cost £2,000 per month, and will employ at least 10 teachers and cater for a minimum of 50 children. This will provide the teachers an income to support their families and with the children at school, it will give their parents a chance to look for employment or rebuild their homes.
Download Haiti Leaflet SOF
Please continue to donate generously as every penny counts!
Friday, 15 January 2010
Haiti Earthquake Appeal 2010

Muslim Global Relief has launched an emergency appeal for Haiti after a major earthquake struck the country. Up to 50,000 people are feared dead, with 3 million been left homeless and is the worst earthquake in Haiti for 200 years.

Please give generously to donate:
Online –
Post - cheques/postal orders made payable to ‘MGR’ and post to:
PO Box 2018,
Credit/debit cards – please call 01282-604055