Friday, 31 July 2009

MGR Song

MGR Song from 2002 - highlighting our work with a musical theme

Swat Valley Relief work 2009

MGR teams distributing aid to the displaced people of Swat Valley, in the village of Mardan, the people of Mardan taken in over 5,000 IDPs who are living in their houses, the need here was for food and bedding; which MGR distributed. Food, bedding were distributed with dignity and children got their treats of biscuits and chocolates.

MGR Swat Valley - water project

Water is the basic necessity of life but it is the dilemma in third world countries that majority of the population are deprived from access to clean and affordable drinking water. Safe and clean water is the first line of defence in protecting public health and protecting the basic values that are fundamental to the quality of life. Public health is the primary goal of MGR’s Water4Life™ Project. There should be no doubt that the majority of people in the third world are exposed to the hazard of drinking unsafe and polluted water. In an effort to improve this situation, MGR has started a project where donors in the West can purchase a bottle of water for beneficiaries in the third world, as a first alternative to drinking unfiltered tap water or contaminated water from other sources. However, MGR realises that bottled water is not a substitute to a sufficient service supplying safe drinkable tap water, but considers it to be a safe alternative or one which complements existing infrastructure to provide safe drinking quality water to the masses. The MGR Water4LifeTM Project is the most promising and innovative initiative for the general public, which at the moment is prone to water borne diseases and cannot afford to purchase clean and purified bottled water. MGR is piloting this project in Pakistan initially, and if successful, will expand it to other countries in the Indian subcontinent, and within a year will establish it in African countries as well. Donate £1.00 per bottle All funds accumulated from this project will be put towards MGR’s handpump scheme in order to give a permanent source of water. Donate from £100.00 for a handpump MGR distrubted water for the displaced people of Swat Valley.